This website is governed by the regulations exclusively applicable in Spain, and both nationals and foreigners who use it are subject to it.

Access to our website by the user is free and is conditional on prior reading and full, express and unreserved acceptance of the following conditions in force at the time of access, which we ask you to read carefully. The user, when using our website, its contents or services, expressly accepts and submits to its conditions of use. If the user does not agree with these conditions of use, they must refrain from using this website and operating through it.

DISSSSENYAMOO S.L. reserves the right to modify the content of the website without prior notice.

All contents, texts, images, brands, source codes, or any other title that the website may contain are property of DISSSSENYAMOO S.L., its designers, its photographers, or that of third parties with respect to whom the proper authorizations or licenses have been obtained, and are protected by copyright, intellectual and industrial property.
The user only has the right to private, non-profit use of them and requires express authorization to modify, reproduce, exploit, distribute or exercise any right belonging to their owner.

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The user must access our website in accordance with good faith, the rules of public order and these conditions of use. Access to our website is carried out under the user's own and exclusive responsibility, who will be liable in any case for the damages that may be caused to third parties or to ourselves.

Taking into account the impossibility of control over the information, content and services contained in other websites that can be accessed through the links that our website may make available to you, we inform you that we are exempt from any responsibility for damages of any kind that may arise from the use of these web pages, unrelated to our company, by the user.